Publié 09/07/2021 Lecture 2 minutes
The income statement allows you to calculate the final amount of tax due on the basis of your income earned in Year Y-1.
The first income tax and social security contributions notices are posted on, in your personal space, by the end of July. You are notified by email when your notice is posted online.
Notices are delivered to La Poste by the end of July for taxpayers who have opted to receive them in paper format.
Since the processing of tax returns for non-residents will likely continue until the end of the year, the issuance of income tax and social levies notices may therefore be spread out until the end of the year, with payment deadlines adapted to the date of assessment.
Therefore, there is no need to worry if you do not receive your tax notice during the summer.
On the other hand, if by the end of December, you still cannot access or have not received your income tax and social levies notice, please contact the Individual Tax Department for Non-Residents (SIPNR) using your personal user account on or by phone on (+33) 1 72 95 20 42 (telephone reception from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., mainland hours).
If your tax is equal to the amounts already withheld at source in Year Y-1, you no longer owe anything in respect of your income earned in Year Y-1 and you do not have to take any action.
If this is not the case, two situations may arise :
- You benefit from a refund : this will be made by transfer to your bank account.
- You have an amount to pay : it will be automatically withdrawn from your bank account from September 25 or 26, all at once if it is less than or equal to € 300, or in four installments if it is greater than € 300 for notices drawn up during the summer.
In both cases, it is essential that your bank details are up to date with our services. To update or transmit your bank details, connect to your personal space on, "Gérer mon prélèvement à la source", "Mettre à jour vos coordonnées bancaires" ("Manage my direct debit service", "Update your bank details" section), or contact our services by phone at (+33) 1 72 95 20 42.
For more information :
Where and how do I pay my taxes as a non-resident ?,
You are a non-resident and you have problems paying your taxes. Solutions.