Your personal account

Publié 19/06/2017 Lecture 9 minutes

To access your personal account, you will need your tax number and a password of your choice.

The website provides two simple ways for you to log in to your personal account : using your log-in details or by clicking on the FranceConnect icon.

Using your log-in details

Why do I need to log in?

Your personal account contains private data. It's normal that it should be protected.

Your online personal account is specific to you. Thus, every member of a tax household can access online services by entering his or her tax number. Each member of a tax household can carry out online transactions on behalf of the household (paying or filing taxes) and consult his or her personal tax situation.

Locating your log-in details

  • Your tax number

Your tax number is a unique, 13-digit number that you need for all tax-related procedures. It appears at the top of the first page of your most recent income tax return.

It is also printed on the main tax documents that you receive, including the assessment notices for your income taxes and local taxes.

If you already have a personal account set up with a password, but you have lost your tax number, you can retrieve it by clicking on "Où trouver votre numéro fiscal ?" (Where can I find my tax number?) in the help section and then on "Recevoir votre numéro fiscal par courriel" (Receiving my tax number by email)".

Remember where you put your tax number, because you will need it each time you log in to your personal account.

  • Your online access number

Your online access number appears on the first page of your most recent income tax return.

It will also appear on any mail that you received during the year :

       - If you are 20 years old or older, this is the first time you are filing a return and you were included in your parents' tax household the previous year ;

       - If your spouse created a personal account, in the upper right-hand box on his or her online return.

This number changes each year. Be sure you enter the number appearing on your most recent income tax return.

If you do not have your most recent income tax return, enter the online access number from the previous year.

  • Your base taxable income

Your base taxable income is found on the cover page of your most recent income tax assessment notice in the box labelled "Vos références" (Your reference numbers).

You can also find it in the breakdown of your taxes in the "Renseignements complémentaires" (Other information) section, in case you do not see it in the “Vos références” box (for instance, if you received a tax relief notice).

Special case:

If you were included in your parents' tax household, write "0" in the "Base taxable income" field.

How do I create my personal account?

  • If you are liable for income tax, or an adult in a tax household

You can create your personal space using the three identification elements that appear on your tax documents: your tax number, your online access number and your base taxable income.

You can also click on the FranceConnect icon and log in using an account you have with a participating partner : AMELI, L'Identité Numérique de La Poste, MobileConnect et moi or the Mutualité Sociale Agricole.

Once you have entered your e-mail address and chosen a password, you will receive an email containing a link which you must click on within 24 hours to confirm the creation of your personal account. Please remember your password for the next time you log in.

  • If you have a tax number, but are not liable for income tax (for example, you are liable for residence tax or property tax)

You can click on the FranceConnect icon and log in using an account you have with a participating partner : AMELI, L'Identité Numérique de La Poste, MobileConnect et moi or the Mutualité Sociale Agricole.

If you do not have a FranceConnect account, you will need to confirm your identity to create your personal account. You must either contact your local tax office and identify yourself to an employee, or fill in the form available in the Contact section of this site.

Once your identity has been verified, an e-mail will be sent to you indicating that you can create your personal space by entering your tax number and your date of birth on the log-in page of this site.

You will then have to enter your e-mail address and a password that you have chosen. You will then receive an e-mail containing a link which you must click on within 24 hours to confirm the creation of your personal account.

Please save your log-in details (tax number and password) for the next time you log in.

  • If you don't have a tax number

You will need to confirm your identity to create your personal account. You must either contact your local tax office and identify yourself to an employee, or fill in the form available in the Contact section of this site.

Once your identity has been verified, an e-mail will be sent to you indicating that you can create your personal space by entering your tax number and your date of birth on the log-in page of this site.

You will then have to enter your e-mail address and a password that you have chosen. You will then receive an e-mail containing a link which you must click on within 24 hours to confirm the creation of your personal account.

Please save your log-in details (tax number and password) for the next time you log in.

Changing your e-mail address or password

To change the e-mail address or password you originally chose, you need to log in to your personal space with your tax number and your current password.

Then click on "Mon profil" (My profile), where you can change your e-mail address or password (you can also change your telephone numbers, your paperless options and how you want to be contacted).

If you change your e-mail address, you will receive a confirmation e-mail to verify that you have access to this new e-mail address.

If you get an error message when you try to access your personal account

There are three possible reasons :

  • The message states that your log-in details are incorrect

Translation : You have entered an unknown tax number. Please check the number.

If you entered the number correctly, please contact your local tax office.

If you already created and activated your password, you will need to contact your local tax office to confirm your identity and validate your access.

  • The message states that you must first provide proof of your identity

Translation : To create your personal account, you must provide proof of your identity to your local tax office.

If you have a FranceConnect account, you can click on the FranceConnect icon and log in using an account you have with a participating partner.

If you do not have a FranceConnect account, you must confirm your identity before creating your personal account. You must either fill in the form available on the Contact section of the website, or go to your local tax office to have your identity confirmed by an employee.

Once your identity has been confirmed, you will receive an e-mail telling you that you can create a personal account by entering your tax number and your date of birth on the log-in page of this site, and then follow the instructions.

To make it easier to log in next time, you may wish to use the password manager built into your system or one provided by a third party

  • The message indicates that you cannot access your personal account or use the online services

Translation : You cannot access your personal account or use the online services. We apologise for this. Please contact your local tax office.

For technical reasons, your tax number has been deactivated. You can obtain a new tax number by contacting your local tax office.

You will need to create a new account using this tax number, following the procedure described in the previous section.

On your smartphone

Download the impots.gouv app from the App Store or Google Play.

Via the FranceConnect icon

What is FranceConnect ?

FranceConnect allows any individual to log in to a range of online government services whose sites display the FranceConnect icon. You can log in using an online account you already have with any of the following partners:



  • La Poste's Identité Numérique

  • MobileConnect et moi

  • Mutualité Sociale Agricole (MSA)

If you are an individual taxpayer who wishes to access online services (e.g. filing an online tax return), you can use an existing account you have with one of the partners listed above, without having to take any additional steps.

How to log in with this service

  1. Click on the FranceConnect icon on the log-in page for individuals.

  2. Select a partner with whom you already have an online account.

  3. Enter the ID and password you use with the selected partner.

  4. You are now logged in to the website; you can manage your account under the same conditions of confidentiality and security as if you had logged in directly.

If you do not yet have a personal account on, you will need to create one the first time you log in by entering an e-mail address and choosing a password.

An e-mail will be sent to the address you have chosen. Within 24 hours, you must click on the link contained in this e-mail to finish activating your account.

If you do not receive this e-mail, please check your spam folder.

Once activated, you will be able to access your personal account.

For more information or to find out about all the sites you can log in to via FranceConnect, please visit the FranceConnect website.


What should I do if I get an error message when logging in to my personal account?

An error message may appear after entering your log-in details in the window of the FranceConnect partner.

If this happens, you should contact FranceConnect user support for assistance:

However, if the following message appears :

"You cannot currently log in using FranceConnect. Please contact FranceConnect support for further information."

It is because the data relating to your civil status held by the DGFiP does not allow you to use FranceConnect, either because your data is incomplete or because you do not have a tax number.

You must contact your local tax office or follow the same procedure as described above: "If you do not have a tax number".




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Articles liés à la rubrique "Taxation for those arriving in or returning to France"