Vos Questions / Nos Réponses
- Can a foreign company be liable for corporation tax in France ?
- My company holds shares in a French property holding company (SCI). Is it liable for French taxes ?
- My company rents property in France: is it liable for corporation tax ?
- My company is a property dealer in France; is it liable for corporation tax ?
- My company acts as a non-professional renter of furnished accommodation. For which taxes is it liable ?
- Can a foreign company be liable for property tax ?
- My company pays compensation to non-resident persons or legal entities. It is liable for withholding tax ?
- Which companies are liable for the 3% tax on the market value of property ?
- Can a foreign company be liable for the contribution on business value added (CVAE) ?
- Which companies are liable for the tax on insurance policies ?
- How does one pay corporation tax ?