DGFiP Statistiques | L’impôt sur la fortune immobilière en 2023
Publié 23/04/2024 Lecture 2 minutes
The real estate wealth tax in 2023
In 2023, the tax authorities sent a real estate wealth tax (IFI) notice to nearly 176 000 households, for a tax liability that totaled €1.9 bn, up 6 % compared to 2022. The declared value of the real estate assets that are subject to this tax rose by 7 %, mainly due to a 7 % increase in the number of taxable household (with the average asset per household remaining stable). Donations reported on the tax returns for tax reduction purposes rose by 8 %.
The tax households subject to this wealth tax differ from those that are only subject to income tax; they derive income from movable capital and capital gains rather than from labor. These households are on average older and often live in the Paris area or abroad.
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